Monday, June 29, 2009

Life is good!

Hi everyone!

Well, I am trying to update this every week! A little better this time only 9 days since my last blog! Yeah! I amm getting better at this!

What a wonderful week! 3 sittings in 3 days! And then a very special session! Thanks to my sittings - Caralee's 1st birthday, the Days of Cayce Exterminating and then little Trey, who is also one!
Then my special session! I am a volunteer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. This organization does infant remembrance photography for little ones who will never go home with Mom and Dad. It is truly a labor of love. I am honored to be a part of this wonderful organization! Wednesday, I received a call to go and take pictures for the most amazing family. Out of respect for them and their precious angel, I cannot or will not say any more about them. I can say that although these families appreciate what I do for them, I am the one who is blessed. I am so thankful that God gives me the strength emotionally to take these amazing pictures. Please check out the website for this wonderful organization that I am quite humbled and fortunate to be a part of.
Thanks to all who read my blog and take the time to check out my website! I really appreciate my customers!
Try to stay cool! Get ready for my fall portrait special coming soon!
Love ya!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy times!

Hi everyone!

Where has this month gone? I thought for sure that once school was out, things would slow down! Boy, was I wrong! But I am not complaining about being busy!

I was asked to take pictures at a wonderful event recently! Maurice and Jane celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! They renewed the vows one Sunday in church! How wonderful it was to be a part of a truly amazing love story! Thank you, Maurice and Jane. I was very honored that you asked me to help preserve these priceless memories! I can only hope that Todd and I will celebrate 60 years together.

And thanks to April and Avery for letting me take little Miss Aiden's two month portraits! She is adorable! And just too cute for words!

More sittings coming up this week! I can't wait for a cake smash and a happy family! It will be a fun week!

Feel free to contact me to get something set up soon! We can have lots of fun preserving those memories!

Happy Summer everyone! (Boy is it hot!)