Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another month almost over!

Hi y'all,

Can you believe that another month is almost over? I can't! Where does the time go? Sometimes I feel like I am running in circles! July has been a busy month personally, not so much professionally. I only had one session this month and that was a Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep session in Manning. But I also took pictures at a birthday party for Chelsea (a friend of my daughter) and at the Tri-District concert for my niece!

So I decided that when I am caught up, I can have some fun! So I decided to take pictures of places and things that interest me. On my way back from Manning, I stopped at Bull Swamp and took a few pictures of an old store, barn, the swamp and an old outhouse. After seeing this picture, my wonderful sister-in-law, Kara, said that it was no fair that I got to shoot the sh*t! So we now have a Shoot the Sh*t days!

We can go and take pictures of whatever we like! After my stop at the swamp, my fantastic husband went with me to an old store out on the other side of Swansea. It has been closed since he can remember (he grew up in Swansea), so the place has always fascinated him. Well, we checked it out and got lots of cool shots of the outside and were able to peek in a few windows and get some pictures of the inside without going in! You know, we have to respect the law!
And now that the month is over and school starts next month, it is time to plan some fall specials. Look for some specials in the next few blogs and the newsletter. If you are interested in getting the newsletter, send me an e-mail at kris@kreationsbykrisphoto.com and I will add you to the newsletter list!
Love ya!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Where does the time go?

Hi all,

Well I missed a week! Sorry! I am trying to get there! It has been busy! I had a great sitting with a little boy - he is just too cute! I couldn't post it until today because his pictures were a birthday surprise for his Mom! Happy Birthday! I sure hope you like his pictures!
I also worked on some dance pictures! Thanks Lynn! I also had another Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep session. This time I went to Manning. Another sweet angel! This is an amazing organization and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. It does make me truly thankful for all the blessings in my life.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my work! Please call me to help capture your memories! I look forward to working with you!

Love ya!