Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busy week!

Hi y'all,

Life is so busy, but it is wonderful! There is lots going on! Remember the Baby and Child Contest going on until June 15th. Children 12 and under are eligible to have an image entered in this national contest. Contact me for your appointment soon!

Also, there are limited number of Senior sessions available for the class of 2011. Contact me to set up your appointment for your unique portrait session!

I have been editing the pictures from Matt & Christa's wedding last weekend. Here are a couple pictures from that very special day. Congratulations again to the newlyweds!

I also had the great privilege of taking pictures at the Columbia's MDA Gala last Thursday. The MDA is a wonderful organization that helps so many people. This cause is near and dear to my heart because my nephew was recently diagnosed with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. I was so pleased to be able to volunteer to help however I can!

I also had a lot of fun at Pine Ridge's Eighth Grade Banquet Friday night. Everyone looked so nice all dressed up. The formal pictures will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Going to the beach this summer? Having lots of family in from out of town? Important event? How about a family portrait? Call to schedule your appointments now!

Let's capture those very special memories!

Love ya!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beautiful Wedding

Hi y'all,

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Huffstetler. I had the great privilege of photographing their wedding this past weekend. The wedding was wonderful. I will post a few of the wedding pictures next week. I am hoping that they have a wonderful time on their cruise to Mexico!
A few weeks ago, I did Christa's bridal session. Here are a few of my favorites! She is a beautiful bride!

Just a note to the Airport football parents! All of the 2009 game pictures are off the website now. I can pull up whatever you need, if you are still interested in purchasing pictures of your athlete. I am looking forward to next season! Go Eagles. I will be covering more of the sports and intend to make it to at least one or two games for every team in every sport next year!

The 2010 Baby & Child contest is still under way. Children under 12 are eligible for this national contest. Schedule your appointment today!

I am very excited about all the great things I have coming up in the next few weeks - the MDA Gala, Pine Ridge Middle School's 8th grade Banquet, spring pictures at New Springs Christian School, dance recital and a couple of weddings. There are a few appointments available for portraits sittings, so call and schedule yours today.

Love ya!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring is Here!

Hi y'all,

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break. It was a much needed break for me! I spent part of spring break camping with my wonderful family. We had a great time! I did get a little work done. I designed a guest book for Matt and Christa's wedding that is coming up this weekend!
I also got to catch up on a little editing! First, I volunteered to photograph the great firefighters of Columbia during their Boot Drive for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. These men and women spend several hours over 3 days standing in intersections throughout Columbia collecting money for this very special cause. I was honored to help in my small way. The Columbia firefighters raised over $115,000 this year!!! Great job!
I also had an opportunity to take pictures for the Eagle Club's Spring Fling. Although there wasn't much going on, I did get some great pictures of my son and his "Mini Me". His younger cousin came with us and the two of them hammed it up for the camera!
I had an opportunity to take pictures at the Airport Girl's JV soccer game against Swansea. There are lots of great pictures. I plan to attend some baseball, softball, boys and girls soccer in the next month to give the spring sports parents some pictures of their athletes! Go Eagles!
There is a lot going on now that the weather has warmed up! This is great time to schedule your family portraits! And don't forget the 2010 Baby and Child Contest. This is a national contest open to children 12 and under. Schedule your appointments now!
I am so exicted that I can post some beautiful bridals next week. and then some wedding pictures the week after that! Congratulations to Matt and Christa on their wedding day this coming Saturday!
Love ya!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Too cute!

Hi y'all,

Wow! Where is the time going? I have been so busy with family stuff (mostly Daddy's health) that I have not had much time to post on here! I have been working though!

I had a great bridal sitting two weeks ago! Christa is a beautiful young woman! I will post pictures after the wedding later this month!

And Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Aaden! We had lots of fun getting her pictures made. She wore her Mom, my daughter, my niece and myself out! But we got lots of great pictures! She is just too cute for words!

Remember the 2010 Baby and Child Contest is going on until June! It is open to children up to 12 years old! Schedule your appointment now!

My new Senior program for the graduates of 2011 is starting. There is a limited number of sessions, so book yours today. Call me at (803) 238- 2296 for more information!

I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather. I know I am! It is a great time to get some outdoor family portraits! And before we know it, summer will be here and time for beach portraits! Schedule yours today!

Love ya!