Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yeah Spring!

Hi y'all, Well, I have been busy helping with dance pictures at the studio, so that is really limiting my sports stuff, but I promise that it will be over soon. This is the last week of dance pictures for the spring. I did get to a couple of softball games and a Girls Varsity Soccer game last week! Here are the links - AHS JV Softball vs Midland Valley - www.kreationsbykrisphoto.com/AHSSBJVvsMV/index.html AHS Varsity Softball vs Midland Valley - www.kreationsbykrisphoto.com/AHSSBVvsMV/index.html AHS Girls Varsity Soccer vs Boiling Springs www.kreationsbykrisphoto.com/AHSGSVvsBS/index.html The link for the soccer game is not active yet! It will be up no later than Wednesday morning! The computer only uploads so fast! And there are about 300 pictures from that game to upload! Please let me know if there are any that you want to order. I can edit (crop, lighten, etc) to any of the action pictures. Remember the current special for March and April - $50 sitting fee with a free 8x10 or a $25 print credit. And for seniors - 40 rep cards or 24 wallets free with paid portrait purchase! Call to schedule your apointment today - 238-2296. Love ya! Kris

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baseball and Softball

Hi y'all,

Are you loving the pollen? Not me! Of course, there is lots going on! Remember the family portrait special - $50 sitting fee with a free 8 x 10 or $25 print credit! Call and schedule your appointment today - 238-2296.

The Senior special is 40 rep cards or 24 wallets free with your paid portrait purchase! And I have a few new speciality items for Seniors only including cell phone skins and wallet boxes! Call to schedule your appointment today - 238-2296!

Last week, I did have the opportunity to photograph 2 baseball and 2 softball games. Here are the links -

Airport Varsity Baseball vs White Knoll -

Airport JV Softball vs AC Flora -

Airport Varsity Softball vs AC Flora -

Airport Varsity Baseball vs BC -

And a reminder, the fall sports pictures are coming down very soon. I will be taking down Middle School football and volleyball and High School cheerleading at the end of this week. High Schoool volleyball, golf and tennis will come down next week. And High School football the week after that! Call if you want to order any! 238-2296

Lots of more sports pictures coming soon!

Love ya!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hi y'all,

Spring is really here! Beautiful weather and pretty flowers (and a little pollen)! Ready for some family portraits? Call and schedule your appointment today! March and April's special is a $50 session with a free 8x10 or a $25 print credit towards your portrait purchase! Also, the Senior special is 40 rep cards or 24 wallets free with your paid portrait purchase!

I had the most amazing maternity session recently! Here are a few of my favorites!

And the spring sports have begun! Last weekend, I took pictures at the JV and Varsity softball games against White Knoll! Here are the links for the games -
JV Softball vs White Knoll -
Varsity Softball vs White Knoll -
More sports this week and a few more team pictures! Go Eagles! I promise to make to a few of every teams' games!
Love ya!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is Here!

Hi y'all,

Wow - the weather is gorgeous! Spring has arrived! And the Spring sports are getting started. I will be photographing some of the spring teams this week and start taking action pictures at some of the games! It is going to be lots of fun!

Current specials - Family Portrait Special - $50 - on location or studio session with a free 8 x 10 ($25 value) plus a discount on your entire order of 10 - 25%! Call to schedule your appointment today! 238-2296
Senior Special - 40 rep cards or 24 wallets free with paid portrait session! Good for March and April! Call to schedule your appointment today! 238-2296

Well, the Spring Sports are starting, but I took the opportunity this week to design the Winter Sports posters for Airport this week! Take a look! These will hanging in the Commons soon!

Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball


I have enjoyed taking pictures of the athletes at Airport! I love my Eagles!

Love ya!