Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Last of the Fall Sports

Hi y'all,

I am finally finished with all of the fall sports pictures. Between my health, the holidays and needing to be there for friends - I don't seem to have enough hours in my day! But I am finally finished with the last of the fall sports pictures and below are the links for the last 4 events.

But first, let me remind you of the current special - $15 off your sitting fee and up to 15% off your order from this session until December 11th! Hurry, space is limited!

Now for the last of the Fall game links. I actually will start photographing the winter sports (basketball and wrestling) in the next week or so!

Airport Varsity Cheer at Lower State -

Airport Varsity Football @ Myrtle Beach

Airport Pep Rally for Varsity Cheer -

Airport Varsity Cheer at State -

Enjoy! And don't forget to schedule our family portraits soon to take advantage of the special! And gift certificates are available!

Love ya!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hi y'all,

I am finally caught up with getting the games online! I still have lots of pictures to get on Facebook! And I am working on that! Here are the links to last week's varsity football playoff game and the Cross Country State Finals!

Airport Varsity Football vs Lakewood -

Airport Cross Country @ State Finals -

Fall Special - get your family portraits done. Session fee $35 for a one hour on location session. You get a 15 - 25% discount on all portraits ordered from your session too! This offer expires December 11th. Book your session today!

Love ya!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hi y'all,

I am almost caught up! I have the links for the JV and Varsity football games against BC and a Varsity Cheer Competiton below! Tomorrow I will post the link to last Friday's Varsity football playoff game against Lakewood. The Eagles won 24-21 over the Gators! And I will also post the link to the Cross Country State Finals - congratulations to Megan - 2nd place in State!!!!

I will be working on uploading pictures to Facebook tomorrow also! So be looking for those!

Here are the links!
Airport JV Football vs BC (2nd game) -

Airport Varsity Football vs BC (2nd game) -

Airport Varsity Cheer - Airport Invitational Competition

I hope you enjoy! I will post more links tomorrow!

Love ya!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes Life gets in the Way

Hi y'all,

I am so sorry that I have not blogged in almost 3 weeks. But sometimes life gets in the way. A very dear friend's brother passed away unexpectedly and I was helping her and the family. Then I got sick. And then the doctor changed my contacts. I get headaches when I look at the computer for long periods of time, which makes going through games almost impossible! But I do have a couple of games uploaded and I promise to get caught up this week! Thanks for understanding!

Here are the links I have so far! I still have the JV game against BC, the Varsity Cheer competition, and the Varsity Football games against BC and Lakewood! I am hoping to have that all done by tomorrow evening!

AHS B Team football vs Lexington -

AHS Varsity Football vs Dreher -

Enjoy and I promise more tomorrow!

Love ya!