Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas cards

Hi y'all,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I did! I started decorating for Christmas! I am loving it! Just remember to enjoy the memories you are making this year!
I have been designing Christmas cards and here are a few examples of them! Remember it's not too late to get your family cards made. There is a 10% discount for your portrait and card purchases in December!

And don't forget the deadline for Christmas delivery is December 10th. I will order after that, I just can't promise it will be back in time. Most orders should be back quickly, but the closer to Christmas, the longer the lab turn around time is. Portraits make great gifts!
Love ya!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving week

Hi y'all,
Yeah! It's my favorite time of year! The Holidays! Thanksgiving starts off the holiday season for me! Too much food, and wonderful times with family and friends! And then all of the fun of getting ready for Christmas! My favorite holiday is Christmas. And my favorite part is making wonderful memories!
With Christmas only about a month away, I wanted to remind everyone that my Christmas deadline is December 10. I cannot guarantee delivery after this date. So get your orders in now! And remember the special for December is 10% off your order!
About a week ago, I took the family portrait for my husband's family! There are 13 of us! My mother in law does not know it, but she is getting her Christmas present early! Like tomorrow - a 16 x 20 canvas! I can't wait to give it to her! She will love it!
And yesterday, I had the privilage of taking a team picture of Airport Varsity Football. The team had a perfect regular season and finished the season 11 -1. Go Eagles! I designed a poster that will hang at Airport commerating that feat! But the poster stays a secret until the football banquet! I did get to take a picture of some of the seniors and here it is!
I had a blast this season taking the action shots at all the games and getting to know these wonderful young men! The entire team is fantastic!
Remember to get you Christmas orders in by December 10!
Love ya!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hi y'all,
I am posting a little earlier than normal, but I was able to get through Friday's pictures. Friday was a bittersweet day for us. As a football Mom, I am disappointed that Airport's season is over. But at the same time, I feel so honored to have had an opportunity to get to know these players. This year has been amazing. And not just because Airport was winning. It was because of the wonderful young men that are a part of the Airport football program. You have made history at Airport and now you get to shape the future! I feel very blessed to have gotten to stand on the sidelines and get to know these fine young men!
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the coaches for their time and dedication to our players. You are helping to shape the future. Your coaching will help these young men as they go out into the world. Thanks again for letting me take your pictures.
And for the senior players check out my facebook fan page (link on the first page of the website)Monday afternoon. I will be putting up some photos of y'all. Please feel free to tag everyone in them! Now here is the link for Friday's game against Lake City.
Football parents - I will be leaving all of the football pictures up on my website until December 31st. If you are interested in purchasing any pictures, please e-mail or call me!
Here are some the pictures of my last senior session! Amanda is a beautiful young lady!
Please remember that my Christmas deadline is December 10th. If you want anything back by Christmas, this is the last day to order. Also, remember that there is a free 11 x 14 with every portrait session this month. I still have some slots open for the Thanksgiving weekend, but the time is filling up fast!
Love ya!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A very good week!

Hi y'all -

What a great week! It started with a great sitting last Sunday! I am editing those now! I will post some next week! And of course there was Airport football! We played Darlington and won in overtime - 37 - 31! Congratulations Eagles! Here is the link for this weeks's game!

And I edited pictures from 5 sittings! Here are some from those sittings!

And I ending the week with an incredible sitting at the River Walk! Wow! I can't wait to post Amanda's pictures!!! Next week's blog, I promise!
Love ya!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Perfect Season!

Hi y'all!

Wow! What a week! Airport football finished it's regular season with a perfect record! Congratulations to all three teams for going undefeated! B team was 8-0! JV went 9-0 and Varsity had it's first perfect season finishing 10-0! Go Eagles! The Varsity starts playoffs this week against Darlington at home!

Here are the links for this week's games:
B team -
Varsity -

I also had a great sitting Sunday with a family in Gilbert! I sure hope the surprise party went well! I will post some pictures next week! This week I also started editing the pictures from a special fundraiser for a group! The family pictures look great and I will post some of those next week also!

Now for this month's special - a free 11 x 14 print (a $60 value) with portrait order after your paid sitting! Call and make your appointment today!

Love ya!