Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving week

Hi y'all,
Yeah! It's my favorite time of year! The Holidays! Thanksgiving starts off the holiday season for me! Too much food, and wonderful times with family and friends! And then all of the fun of getting ready for Christmas! My favorite holiday is Christmas. And my favorite part is making wonderful memories!
With Christmas only about a month away, I wanted to remind everyone that my Christmas deadline is December 10. I cannot guarantee delivery after this date. So get your orders in now! And remember the special for December is 10% off your order!
About a week ago, I took the family portrait for my husband's family! There are 13 of us! My mother in law does not know it, but she is getting her Christmas present early! Like tomorrow - a 16 x 20 canvas! I can't wait to give it to her! She will love it!
And yesterday, I had the privilage of taking a team picture of Airport Varsity Football. The team had a perfect regular season and finished the season 11 -1. Go Eagles! I designed a poster that will hang at Airport commerating that feat! But the poster stays a secret until the football banquet! I did get to take a picture of some of the seniors and here it is!
I had a blast this season taking the action shots at all the games and getting to know these wonderful young men! The entire team is fantastic!
Remember to get you Christmas orders in by December 10!
Love ya!

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