Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just Because

Hi y'all,

A lot of what I have been photographing lately is just because I want to! This time of year is so busy for everyone I know. And I have had the great pleasure of capturing special memories for some of the special people in my life. In the past couple of weeks, I have taken pictures at a graduation, a couple of awards ceremonies, a 90th birthday celebration, a wedding and an ordination. Wow! I feel very blessed to be a part of these wonderful events.
I have enjoyed getting to know some of the students of Airport High School this year. I went to the graduation ceremony and watched as the Class of 2010 got ready to start the next chapter in their lives. I'm going to miss some of these kids!
I also had the great privilege of attending the 90th birthday celebration for Mrs. Agnes. She is an amazing women. I was thrilled to be able to take a few pictures that day as her family honored her on her birthday!
And last week, a very dear friend, Susan was ordained as a transitional deacon. I was thrilled when I was given permission to take pictures during the service. God blessed me with a talent for capturing memories for people. And I was gladd that I was able to capture this memory of Susan as she began her ordained life.
And of course, I took my daughter and niece to the studio for dance pictures! I can't believe that the girls have been dancing for 10 years now! Wow! What beautiful young ladies they are becoming!
I also took pictures at a wedding and I will post some of those pics in my next blog! I have some senior sessions coming up this summer and am looking forward to those! There are still spots available for senior sessions. Call and set up your appointment now!
I hope everyone is having a great summer!
Love ya!

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