Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No more snow!!

Hi y'all,

Wow - a little snow and ice and South Carolina comes to a grinding halt! The kids had 10 days out of school after only being back a week from Winter Break! But thankfully things are back to normal! Lots going on !

OK - first let's get the business stuff out of the way and then I will share the links from last week's games and matches!

Current specials - for the month of February you can get $15 off your session fee! And now through April 30th, seniors get 40 rep cards or 24 wallets free with your paid portrait purchase! Schedule your appointment today.

Also, new for 2011, I am doing away with portrait packages. I am creating a Build Your Own Package system. You will select the portraits and speciality items from your portrait session and there will be discounts applied once you reach a certain total. Call for more details! This pricing only applies to portrait sessions only.

Now for last week's games - I have gotten all of the Airport stuff uploaded and the two Pine Ridge should be finished this evening (Wednesday). Here are the links -

Airport Wrestling vs Lower Richland

Airport Basketball Junior Varsity Girls vs Lower Richland

Airport Basketball B Team Boys vs Lower Richland

Airport Basketball Junior Varsity Boys vs Lower Richland

Pine Ridge Basketball Boys vs Busbee

Pine Ridge Basketball Girls vs Busbee

Enjoy! I will be putting a few more pictures up on Facebook for the Airport sports this week! If you see one that you want me to tag you in, you have to be friends with me (Kris Carmine Copeland) and a fan of Kreations by Kris Photography!

And I got some great pictures last at the Varsity game against Midland Valley! I will have them up by next Tuesday!

Love ya!

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