Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Wedding and a Miracle

Hi y'all,
I have had a busy week of editing! I finished editing the wedding of Jessica and Tommy! What a great couple. I was able to do some really fun edits that went with their theme!

I also worked on a very special baby session! My cousin had her daughter 15 weeks early. I was blessed to able to create beautiful portraits for them just about a week after she came home. She is a little over 16 weeks old in these portraits.

What an amazing experience for me! She is a beautiful little miracle!

Now I am getting things ready for the upcoming school year! Go Eagles! Go Jackets! I am planning to offer a few new products this year! Be on the lookout for them! Also, I will be taking the Winter sports pictures off the website at the end of July and the spring sports pictures off the website at the end of August. So make sure to order what you want!

Remember to call and schedule your Senior Portrait Session for something designed around your personality and interests! 238-2296

Love ya!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Summer!

Hi y'all,

Wow! I think it has been about 7 weeks since I blogged! Sorry. I have been enjoying my summer though! I hope you are too! Before we know it school will be starting - only about 5 weeks left here! I am looking forward to work with the student atheletes and their parents at Airport and Pine Ridge again! It is going to be a great year! I am planning to offer some new speciality items and some great packages. Look for more information on that soon.

Also, I will be offering a family portrait special in October! There will be more information on it soon! I had an amazing learning opportunity this week. I attended the Lamarr Williamson School sponsored by Professional Photographers of South Carolina. I learned so much! It was a lot of fun too.

Do you want a Senior portriat that reflects who you are? We can make some amazing portraits of you being you! Call me to schedule your sitting - 238-2296.


I had the opportunity to photograph a wedding in June too! Congratulations Tommy and Jessica! But first, there was Jessica's bridal session! This is my favorite! I will post a few wedding ones next week!

Now that things are slowing down a bit, I will blog more often! I promise! Look for lots of new ideas and specials soon!

Love ya!
Trying something new! Blogging from my phone.