Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Summer!

Hi y'all,

Wow! I think it has been about 7 weeks since I blogged! Sorry. I have been enjoying my summer though! I hope you are too! Before we know it school will be starting - only about 5 weeks left here! I am looking forward to work with the student atheletes and their parents at Airport and Pine Ridge again! It is going to be a great year! I am planning to offer some new speciality items and some great packages. Look for more information on that soon.

Also, I will be offering a family portrait special in October! There will be more information on it soon! I had an amazing learning opportunity this week. I attended the Lamarr Williamson School sponsored by Professional Photographers of South Carolina. I learned so much! It was a lot of fun too.

Do you want a Senior portriat that reflects who you are? We can make some amazing portraits of you being you! Call me to schedule your sitting - 238-2296.


I had the opportunity to photograph a wedding in June too! Congratulations Tommy and Jessica! But first, there was Jessica's bridal session! This is my favorite! I will post a few wedding ones next week!

Now that things are slowing down a bit, I will blog more often! I promise! Look for lots of new ideas and specials soon!

Love ya!

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