Sunday, March 24, 2013

The last of the Airport Basketball!

Hi y'all,

Wow! It is spring already! Crazy how time is flying! Below are the links to the last of the Airport Basketball games form this year. I will blog links to some of the spring sports in a day or two!

If you haven't had your Senior portraits made - there is still time. Call to schedule today - 238-2296!

Here are the links to the last of the Airport Basketball for the 2012-2013 season! Congratulations to the JV Girls on their Back to Back undefeated seasons and a BIG congratulations to the Varsity Girls on being undefeated in Region and Airport's first ever Varsity Girls Region Championship! Go Eagles!

Airport Varsity Girls Basketball vs Strom Thurmond -

Airport Varsity Boys Basketball vs Strom Thurmond -

Airport B Team Boys Basketball vs Lexington -

Airport JV Girls Basketball vs Gilbert -

Airport JV Boys Basketball vs Gilbert -

Airport Varsity Girls Basketball vs Stall -

Enjoy! Spring sports pictures this week!!!

Love ya!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Can you say busy?

Hi y'all!

This is the craziest time of the year for me! As you know, I take a lot of sports pictures for the yearbook. The deadline for yearbook is rapidly approaching! I am trying to finish up with the winter sports actions pictures and take all the spring team pictures. And trying to make it to a least part of a game or match for every spring team for the yearbook! I feel like I am meeting myself coming and going!! But I love it! 

Below are the links to the last of the wrestling matches and a basketball game! I have 6 more basketball games to get through and I will be finished with the winter sports for this year! I hope to have those links ready early next week!

Here are the links I do have ready!

AHS Wrestling vs Strom Thurmond and Gilbert -

AHS Wrestling vs BC -

AHS Basketball Girls Varsity vs Swansea -

AHS Wrestling at Region Tournament -

AHS Wrestling at Lower State Day 1 -

AHS Wrestling at Lower State Day 2 -

Enjoy! I will post the last of the basketball next week as well as a little of every spring sport too!

Seniors - it is not too late to schedule those Senior portraits! Call for an appointment! 238-2296

Love ya!