Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Can you say busy?

Hi y'all!

This is the craziest time of the year for me! As you know, I take a lot of sports pictures for the yearbook. The deadline for yearbook is rapidly approaching! I am trying to finish up with the winter sports actions pictures and take all the spring team pictures. And trying to make it to a least part of a game or match for every spring team for the yearbook! I feel like I am meeting myself coming and going!! But I love it! 

Below are the links to the last of the wrestling matches and a basketball game! I have 6 more basketball games to get through and I will be finished with the winter sports for this year! I hope to have those links ready early next week!

Here are the links I do have ready!

AHS Wrestling vs Strom Thurmond and Gilbert -

AHS Wrestling vs BC -

AHS Basketball Girls Varsity vs Swansea -

AHS Wrestling at Region Tournament -

AHS Wrestling at Lower State Day 1 -

AHS Wrestling at Lower State Day 2 -

Enjoy! I will post the last of the basketball next week as well as a little of every spring sport too!

Seniors - it is not too late to schedule those Senior portraits! Call for an appointment! 238-2296

Love ya!

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