Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall sports ... finally!

Hi y'all,

As most of you know, our lives were forever changed August 17th this year, when my amazing husband was called home to be with our Lord. I have to say that these past couple of months have been been difficult. But I am blessed with a loving God, an amazing family, awesome friends and sweet clients. I thank you for your patience and understanding, as we work towards our new normal!

I am very grateful that all my sweet clients have been so patient! Below are links to the Preseason, Week 0 and Week 1 Football games. Later this week, I will post some Girls Golf, B Team, JV and Varsity Football. Next week, I hope to post everything through Homecoming! Now that things have settles down some, I can get the work cranked out!

Here are the links for the preseason, Week 0 and Week 1 games! Enjoy!

Airport Football vs Spring Valley -

Airport Football Varsity vs Westside -

BC Pep Rally -

Airport Football Varsity vs BC -

More to come soon! And thank you again for your patience!

Love ya!

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