Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hi y'all
Been a busy week! I wanted to share some of the football posters that I have designed. I will be leaving the football pictures up until the end of January. Then they have to come down. If you want a poster designed just let me know! There are 3 sizes - 11 x 14 (5-7 pictures) $30, 11 x 17 (8-11 pictures) $40, and 16x20 (14-16 pictures) $60. Other sizes and styles available!
Tomorrow is the Christmas order deadline! Remember 10% off this month on all portrait orders! I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season! Enjoy the memories!
Love ya!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December is crazy!

Hi y'all,

I am a little late blogging this week. It has been a little busy! I have been placing orders for clients! And designing some football posters! I will post those soon!

I have extended the Christmas deadline to December 15th after assurances from the labs I use that everything will be back before Christmas. And remember the December special is 10% off your order. It is not too late to get gift certificates for Christmas! You can purchase them in any amount!

And remember to slow down and enjoy the memories. This has been a difficult year for my family with deaths, illnesses and other things. And the one thing I have learned from all of it, is to enjoy each day and be thankful for what you do have!

Merry Christmas y'all!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas cards

Hi y'all,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I did! I started decorating for Christmas! I am loving it! Just remember to enjoy the memories you are making this year!
I have been designing Christmas cards and here are a few examples of them! Remember it's not too late to get your family cards made. There is a 10% discount for your portrait and card purchases in December!

And don't forget the deadline for Christmas delivery is December 10th. I will order after that, I just can't promise it will be back in time. Most orders should be back quickly, but the closer to Christmas, the longer the lab turn around time is. Portraits make great gifts!
Love ya!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving week

Hi y'all,
Yeah! It's my favorite time of year! The Holidays! Thanksgiving starts off the holiday season for me! Too much food, and wonderful times with family and friends! And then all of the fun of getting ready for Christmas! My favorite holiday is Christmas. And my favorite part is making wonderful memories!
With Christmas only about a month away, I wanted to remind everyone that my Christmas deadline is December 10. I cannot guarantee delivery after this date. So get your orders in now! And remember the special for December is 10% off your order!
About a week ago, I took the family portrait for my husband's family! There are 13 of us! My mother in law does not know it, but she is getting her Christmas present early! Like tomorrow - a 16 x 20 canvas! I can't wait to give it to her! She will love it!
And yesterday, I had the privilage of taking a team picture of Airport Varsity Football. The team had a perfect regular season and finished the season 11 -1. Go Eagles! I designed a poster that will hang at Airport commerating that feat! But the poster stays a secret until the football banquet! I did get to take a picture of some of the seniors and here it is!
I had a blast this season taking the action shots at all the games and getting to know these wonderful young men! The entire team is fantastic!
Remember to get you Christmas orders in by December 10!
Love ya!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hi y'all,
I am posting a little earlier than normal, but I was able to get through Friday's pictures. Friday was a bittersweet day for us. As a football Mom, I am disappointed that Airport's season is over. But at the same time, I feel so honored to have had an opportunity to get to know these players. This year has been amazing. And not just because Airport was winning. It was because of the wonderful young men that are a part of the Airport football program. You have made history at Airport and now you get to shape the future! I feel very blessed to have gotten to stand on the sidelines and get to know these fine young men!
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the coaches for their time and dedication to our players. You are helping to shape the future. Your coaching will help these young men as they go out into the world. Thanks again for letting me take your pictures.
And for the senior players check out my facebook fan page (link on the first page of the website)Monday afternoon. I will be putting up some photos of y'all. Please feel free to tag everyone in them! Now here is the link for Friday's game against Lake City.
Football parents - I will be leaving all of the football pictures up on my website until December 31st. If you are interested in purchasing any pictures, please e-mail or call me!
Here are some the pictures of my last senior session! Amanda is a beautiful young lady!
Please remember that my Christmas deadline is December 10th. If you want anything back by Christmas, this is the last day to order. Also, remember that there is a free 11 x 14 with every portrait session this month. I still have some slots open for the Thanksgiving weekend, but the time is filling up fast!
Love ya!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A very good week!

Hi y'all -

What a great week! It started with a great sitting last Sunday! I am editing those now! I will post some next week! And of course there was Airport football! We played Darlington and won in overtime - 37 - 31! Congratulations Eagles! Here is the link for this weeks's game!

And I edited pictures from 5 sittings! Here are some from those sittings!

And I ending the week with an incredible sitting at the River Walk! Wow! I can't wait to post Amanda's pictures!!! Next week's blog, I promise!
Love ya!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Perfect Season!

Hi y'all!

Wow! What a week! Airport football finished it's regular season with a perfect record! Congratulations to all three teams for going undefeated! B team was 8-0! JV went 9-0 and Varsity had it's first perfect season finishing 10-0! Go Eagles! The Varsity starts playoffs this week against Darlington at home!

Here are the links for this week's games:
B team -
Varsity -

I also had a great sitting Sunday with a family in Gilbert! I sure hope the surprise party went well! I will post some pictures next week! This week I also started editing the pictures from a special fundraiser for a group! The family pictures look great and I will post some of those next week also!

Now for this month's special - a free 11 x 14 print (a $60 value) with portrait order after your paid sitting! Call and make your appointment today!

Love ya!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Airport does it again!

Hi y'all,

Congratulations to Airport football! All three teams are still undefeated! Varisty is 9-0 after beating Dreher 48-7! Go Eagles! The week is BC! All three teams have a chance to make history by having the perfect season! Let's support our Eagles!

Here are the the links to last week's games:
JV vs. South Aiken -
JV vs. Dreher -
Varsity vs. Dreher -

I also edited 2 weddings where I was the second photographer. I will post a few of those pictures next week after the brides have seen the pictures first!

I hope to see everyone at the games!

Love ya!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy week!

Hi y'all,

Well, it has been a crazy week! I didn't take B team pictures due to rain! Sorry parents! The game was great though! Congratulations to the B team for beating Sumter High's B team. The JV game was moved due to field conditions, so I got to take more volleyball pictures! And of course, Varisty on Friday at South Aiken! Airport is 8-0! Go Eagles!

Here are the links for the Varsity football game and Volleyball games!

Varsity football -

Volleyball vs. BC -

I have been editing lots of other things and plan to blog some more next week! Tonight's JV game against South Aiken will be up next Monday with the Dreher games!

And just a reminder about the sitting special for October - $20 off your sitting fee! Call to set your appointment now!

Love ya!

Monday, October 12, 2009

More football!

Hi y'all -

Wow! What a week! I love the fact that fall is in the air! Congratulations to the Airport Eagles, who are still undefeated! B team beat Lower Richland again, JV and Varsity both won against Swansea! JV parents - I am sorry that I did not make it to your game! I was at the B team game! Here are the links for this week's football games!

B Team -

Varsity -

If you want to order any pictures, please call me at 238-2296 or e-mail me at for a price list!

Volleyball pictures! I took pictures at Thursday's varsity volleyball game. Taking pictures in the arena is very difficult! I did get some pretty good shots. Please take a look!

Volleyball -

I only have a few sittings available for this month's special - $20 off your sitting fee! Call me to book your appointment now! I will have lots of pictures to post in next week's blog!

Love ya!


Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall is really here!

Hi all!

What a difference a week makes! Last Monday it was 90 and sunny! Today it is 61 and rainy! Gotta love South Carolina's weather! I noticed as I was driving this weekend, that leaves are already beginning to change! Remember to schedule your fall portraits! There is a $20 savings on sitting fees for the entire month of October!

I have been busy taking and editing pictures for various events! Here are a couple from a session I did recently of an adorable little one and her parents!

There are some more sessions to edit and I hope to blog them next week!
And of course, there is Airport football! There was no B team game last week, so the B team players got to dress out for JV! Both JV and Varsity beat Midland Valley with little doubt of who has the better team! Go Eagles! Here are the links for the games:
Thanks for taking the time to look at the football pictures. Please feel free to e-mail me with pictures you are interested in ordering. Also, just a reminder that I will start taking down some of the older games (scrimmages first) in the next couple of weeks. I am running out of room on the website! If you are not ready to order yet, just make a list of the pictures you like from the scrimmages. I will still have all the pictures available until the end of the year. Thanks again!
Don't forget to schedule those fall sittings. Remember potraits make great Christmas presents or we can design your custom Christmas cards!
Love ya!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall is finally here!

Hi all,
Fall is finally here! Now will someone tell Mother Nature! It's 90 degrees today! Well, cooler weather is around the corner according to weather man! Get your fall portraits scheduled! Remember there is $20 off your session fee for the entire month of October!

Well, I have been busy! Lots of sittings! I am slowly getting them edited! Here are a couple of a pictures from my last senior session with Ashley! What a beautiful girl both inside and out!
And I also had the opportunity to edit one of the pictures from my daughters's birthday party at the studio! There will be a few more of these posted in next week's blog!
And of course there are 2 Airport Eagle football games from last week! JV did not play - sorry guys! But B Team and Varsity are still undefeated! Go Eagles! Here are the links!
Also, a not for my football parents. I will have to start taking down games in a couple more weeks. The pictures take up a lot of space on my website. I will still have the pictures, so you can just make a list of which pictures you are interested in purchasing! I will let you know before I start taking any down and I will start with the scrimmages first! Thanks for all your interest in the pictures. I am having a blast taking the pictures and getting to know the players. If I do say so myself, we have a great group of boys playing football for Airport. I think we have great coaches too! Thanks for all you do!
Don't forget to schedule your October sittings!
Love ya!

Monday, September 21, 2009

September is flying by!

Hi all,

What a busy week! Wonderfully busy! First, I had a great senior session with Ashley! I will put up a couple of pictures in next week's blog after she sees them first! I will have them ready in a couple more days, Ashley! I know you are ready for them!

Then, I finished editing pictures from my love story sitting a couple of weeks ago! Congratulations to Matt and Christa, who are getting married next April! I can't wait for the bridals - hopefully there will be a fire truck, a horse and of course the beautiful bride! This will be so much fun!!!

Then of course there were 3 more football games! And the Airport Eagles are 4 and 0! Go Eagles! Here are the links to last week's games against Lower Richland.
B team -
JV -
Varsity -

And then Saturday, I had 2 great sittings and a 50th birthday! Here is one of the pictures from the second sitting. The only one I have found time to edit so far! I promise to edit and have more stuff up in next week's blog!

And Sunday, was a blast! I took pictures for my daughter's 12th birthday! We had a party at the studio! She invited several of her friends and we did hair and make up. They dressed up and we took some fun pics! It was loads of fun! I will be offering a birthday party package! Great party idea for those young ladies! Look for more information soon!

Don't forget next month's special - $20 off your sitting fee! Give me a call to get something scheduled! Things are filling up!

Love y'all!

Monday, September 14, 2009

October sitting special and Airport vs. White Knoll Football

Hi y'all!

First, let me say thank you for the opportunity to take all the pictures I get to take! October is Family Portrait Month! If you schedule a sitting for October than you get $20 off the sitting price! Remember that portraits make great Christmas presents! Also, remember that we can make custom Christmas cards from your portraits! Call to set up your appointment now!
Congrats to Airport football! The Varsity and B team are 3-0! The JV's game got called at half-time with a tied score, but that last run was good for a touchdown - the officials just couldn't keep up!

Here are this week's football pictures:

We had a great time camping last weekend! It was so nice to get away and relax! But you know me, I can't put the camera down! We had deer in the campsite! And I got this! God is amazing! He created these beautiful creatures!
I am hoping to post some pictures of my last couple of sittings sometime this week! I am almost caught up!!!
Love ya!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Another week of football!

Hi all,

Another week of Airport football and three more wins for the Airport Eagles! Although Friday's Varsity game was a nailbiter! Congratulations to all the players and coaches for a great week! Here the links to last week's games against Lugoff-Elgin!

B team -
JV -
Varsity -

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers last week. Time will ease the pain, but my nephew will always be missed. I hope to get caught up this week, so I will have some pictures from my last couple of sittings on next week's blog!

Love ya!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Airport beats BC AGAIN!

Hi all,

First, I would like to thank everyone for being so understanding this week. I really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for my family during this difficult time.

Now for the good stuff. Congratulations to Airport Football! All three teams won against BC last week! 109-27 was the total score for all three games! Go Eagles! To see last week's pictures, click on the links below:
B team scrimmage at Camden -
B team at BC -
JV at BC -
Varsity versus BC -

I will have the Lugoff-Elgin games posted by Monday afternoon. So check back then. If you are interested in buying any pictures, please feel free to call me at 238-2296 or e-mail me at I will be happy to send you a price list for the football pictures and speciality items including posters, keychains & buttons!

Thanks again for being so great!
Love ya!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Football update

Hi all,

Due to the sudden death of my nephew last night, I will not be putting last week's game pictures up today. I thank you for understanding and appreciate your thoughts and prayers for our family. I will get the pictures up sometime this week.

Thanks again for your understanding.
Love ya!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Football TIme!

Hi everyone!

Yeah! Football is starting! Now that means different things to different people! I love football of all kinds - recreation league, middle school, high school, college & NFL. But my favorite is watching my son play! What can I say, I am one proud Mom!

This year, I am taking the action shots for Airport High School! Go Eagles! I will be posting the pictures to my website on Mondays. You can check here to find the links. So far I have 4 scrimmages, a jamboree and Sports A Rama on the website. The links are:

Batesburg-Leesville -
Dutch Fork -
Lexington (Jamboree) -
White Knoll (Sports a rama) -
JV-B team scrimmage -

I will add the games each week. You can e-mail me with the game and picture information of the pictures that you like and I will edit them and put them in a private gallery for you to preview them. You can then purchase pictures, posters, buttons, magnets, keychains and other items from me. E-mail me for a sports price list.

Besides football, I had a wonderful sitting this month! I took pictures of 11 grandchildren together for the grandparents! I plan to have those edited this week and a couple up here in my next post!

School is back in session! If you are not happy with the traditional posed school picture, bring your children to the studio or choose a location for a portrait session! Also, fall is just around the corner! Look for a special fall portrait session coming in October!

Love ya!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another month almost over!

Hi y'all,

Can you believe that another month is almost over? I can't! Where does the time go? Sometimes I feel like I am running in circles! July has been a busy month personally, not so much professionally. I only had one session this month and that was a Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep session in Manning. But I also took pictures at a birthday party for Chelsea (a friend of my daughter) and at the Tri-District concert for my niece!

So I decided that when I am caught up, I can have some fun! So I decided to take pictures of places and things that interest me. On my way back from Manning, I stopped at Bull Swamp and took a few pictures of an old store, barn, the swamp and an old outhouse. After seeing this picture, my wonderful sister-in-law, Kara, said that it was no fair that I got to shoot the sh*t! So we now have a Shoot the Sh*t days!

We can go and take pictures of whatever we like! After my stop at the swamp, my fantastic husband went with me to an old store out on the other side of Swansea. It has been closed since he can remember (he grew up in Swansea), so the place has always fascinated him. Well, we checked it out and got lots of cool shots of the outside and were able to peek in a few windows and get some pictures of the inside without going in! You know, we have to respect the law!
And now that the month is over and school starts next month, it is time to plan some fall specials. Look for some specials in the next few blogs and the newsletter. If you are interested in getting the newsletter, send me an e-mail at and I will add you to the newsletter list!
Love ya!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Where does the time go?

Hi all,

Well I missed a week! Sorry! I am trying to get there! It has been busy! I had a great sitting with a little boy - he is just too cute! I couldn't post it until today because his pictures were a birthday surprise for his Mom! Happy Birthday! I sure hope you like his pictures!
I also worked on some dance pictures! Thanks Lynn! I also had another Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep session. This time I went to Manning. Another sweet angel! This is an amazing organization and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. It does make me truly thankful for all the blessings in my life.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my work! Please call me to help capture your memories! I look forward to working with you!

Love ya!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Life is good!

Hi everyone!

Well, I am trying to update this every week! A little better this time only 9 days since my last blog! Yeah! I amm getting better at this!

What a wonderful week! 3 sittings in 3 days! And then a very special session! Thanks to my sittings - Caralee's 1st birthday, the Days of Cayce Exterminating and then little Trey, who is also one!
Then my special session! I am a volunteer for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. This organization does infant remembrance photography for little ones who will never go home with Mom and Dad. It is truly a labor of love. I am honored to be a part of this wonderful organization! Wednesday, I received a call to go and take pictures for the most amazing family. Out of respect for them and their precious angel, I cannot or will not say any more about them. I can say that although these families appreciate what I do for them, I am the one who is blessed. I am so thankful that God gives me the strength emotionally to take these amazing pictures. Please check out the website for this wonderful organization that I am quite humbled and fortunate to be a part of.
Thanks to all who read my blog and take the time to check out my website! I really appreciate my customers!
Try to stay cool! Get ready for my fall portrait special coming soon!
Love ya!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy times!

Hi everyone!

Where has this month gone? I thought for sure that once school was out, things would slow down! Boy, was I wrong! But I am not complaining about being busy!

I was asked to take pictures at a wonderful event recently! Maurice and Jane celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary! They renewed the vows one Sunday in church! How wonderful it was to be a part of a truly amazing love story! Thank you, Maurice and Jane. I was very honored that you asked me to help preserve these priceless memories! I can only hope that Todd and I will celebrate 60 years together.

And thanks to April and Avery for letting me take little Miss Aiden's two month portraits! She is adorable! And just too cute for words!

More sittings coming up this week! I can't wait for a cake smash and a happy family! It will be a fun week!

Feel free to contact me to get something set up soon! We can have lots of fun preserving those memories!

Happy Summer everyone! (Boy is it hot!)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hi everyone!

Well, the unofficial start of summer has come and gone. Memorial Day was quiet! After a busy month, it was nice to relax with the family.

It has been delightfully busy! I am thankful for my clients and my work. My first sitting of the month was fun, but I learned a lesson! Always make sure to check all the camera settings before I shoot! Sorry Michelle! I promise to make it up to you! Let's reshoot soon!

And then the dance recital! Thanks to all the Dance 1 parents - I had so much fun taking pictures of all of our dancers! I shot all day (9+ hours) and took over 2500 pictures! They are all on the website! Contact me for the information to find your dancer's pictures!

Last weekend, I had a great sitting with a beautiful young lady who will be graduating from high school soon! Martha, my camera loves you! Congratulations on your graduation!!!! Good luck with college! You will do great!

I also took pictures at a wedding, a couple of school events and a soccer game! I also enjoyed making the posters for the school sports teams! Go Yellow Jackets!
So I have had a busy month! And I am hoping that next month is even busier!
Thanks everyone for a great month! Remember to call me about beach pictures - I would love to meet you at the beach! We can get some great beach pictures of you and your family!!!
And a quick update on Daddy. He is still home, but he has an appointment today for the foot. There is some signs of infection in the still healing amputation. Otherwise, he is doing well. The cardiologist cleared him to have his cataract surgery. He will not be able to have his heart operation until the foot is completely healed, maybe in the fall.
Love ya!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Life is good!

Hi everyone!

Life is good! The best news is that Daddy is home and healing! April was a busy month! Thank you New Springs Christian School!

Summer is around the corner. Are you going to the beach? Call and we can schedule a session for beach portraits! It will be lots of fun! Any special occasions? We can capture all those special memories! Call me to schedule a sitting!

If you are affilated with Sardis Baptist Church or New Springs Christian School and schedule a sitting, I will donate 10% of your portrait purchase to New Springs Christian School. Offer expires June 30, 2009. Call to schedule your sitting!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Love ya!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thank you!

Hi everyone!

Wow! What a crazy month! I have had the privilege of some great sittings! Some adorable little ones! And a whole bunch of 8th graders! I had so much fun!

I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers about Daddy. For those who don't know, he was admitted to the hopspital on February 5th with an diabetic ulcer on his left foot. After a week of antibiotics, he had his left great toe removed. Another week in the hospital and then 4 weeks of rehab! He was due to come last Friday! Thursday night, he fell and broke his left hip. He was transferred from rehab to the hospital last Friday. Monday, we had him transferred to another hospital and new doctors because the first group had done nothing for him. Yesterday, he had a partial hip replacement and will be in the hospital for several more days. Then another few weeks in rehab! Of course, this has been the priority in my life for 7 weeks now. I am looking forward to more work and less hospital!
Remember, summer is just around the corner! If you are planning a beach trip, call and schedule a sitting! I will be happy to meet you at any of our beautiful beaches to get those great beach portraits!
If you weren't happy with your child's school pictures, call me to schedule a sitting wither in the studio or on location to get some great portraits!
I hope everyone has a great Easter! I look forward to helping you with your photography Kreations!
Love ya!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring is Here!

Hi there!.

Spring has sprung! The weather is warming up! Ok, some days are warm, but you know how South Carolina weather can be! Everything is starting to come to life - the trees are budding and the flowers are blooming. And of course, every flat surface has a coating of yellow - gotta love the pollen!

It is time to get your family's spring pictures done! We can do them in the studio or on location. Give me a call and we can get your sitting scheduled!

Baby and Child contest! Is your little one the cutest thing you have ever seen? Of course! Schedule your appointment for a sitting and you will get to choose your favorite picture to be in the Miller's Lab National Baby and Child Contest! Appointments are limited! Children must be under 12 years of age. Please call for more details!

Happy Spring everyone! I look forward to helping with your photographic Kreations!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Where is this year going?

Hi everyone!

Wow! We are almost 2 months into this year! Where has the time gone? Everything seems to be in fast forward these days!

Recently, I looked at my youngest son and realized that he is no longer my sweet little boy. He is becoming a man. His voice is so deep and he is getting taller everyday it seems! And I realized, it is time for more pictures!

Do you feel that your kids are growing before your eyes? Well, let's get some pictures made before they grow anymore! We can do the pictures at your favorite park, the zoo, or even in the studio! Just give me a call and we will get you set up!

With spring coming and warm weather just around the corner, it is time to start planning you summer vacations. If you are planning a trip to a South Carolina beach, let me know and maybe we can schedule some beach pictures! I love the beach and will find any excuse to get there as much as possible! Just call.

I look forward to working with you to create some special memories this spring!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my website and blog! I can't believe that another year is over and another is begun! Wow! Where does the time go! I am grateful for all of my wonderful clients! I look forward to helping to meet you photography needs in the future! I also am excited about all the new clients I will help in the year to come!

As the new year begins, I want to let you know about my upcoming specials! For the months of January, February & March - a standard location sitting will be $30 (this includes a $20 print credit) and a studio sitting will be $25 (this includes a $20 print credit). Call me to schedule your appointment! In April & May, I will be scheduling Spring pictures!

I am looking forward to helping you create wonderful memories in 2009!!!

Happy New Year!
Kris Copeland
Kreations by Kris Photography