Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas

Hi y'all,

Well, Christmas is only 10 days away! And I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am not sure if or when I will have the opportunity to blog in the next couple of weeks. I plan to spend time enjoying my family and friends at this most precious time of year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. And I hope that each of you have the opportunity to enjoy the season.
Sunday was the football banquet for the Airport Eagles. Congratulations to all the players on a great year! Way to go boys! Of course, I took pictures at the banquet! If you right click on any of the pictures in the gallery, you can save them to your computer! Enjoy! Here is the link -

Saturday, I had the opportunity to take some promotional portraits for an special portait opportunity that is coming up in January. Wanna be a Candy Girl? Contact me for more information - 238-2296.

I also was able to design a few more Christmas cards for a recent family session. This family was lots of fun!

Again, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I look forward to serving your photographic needs in the coming year!
Love ya!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hi y'all,

I am so sorry. I have been so busy that I thought I blogged earlier this week. And I realized this morning that I had not blogged yet this week.
Last week, I was able to photography my first wrestling match. Airport defeated Newberry! Way to go Eagles! The link to the pictures is
I had a great session Saturday with two of my favorite little girls! Big sister was so busy and didn't want to be still , but we still got some great Christmas portraits! I also designed some adorable Christmas cards!

I also managed to round up my crew and snap a few family shots! And designed our Christmas cards too!

It's not too late to have your family portraits made and still have them back before Christmas, but you gotta hurry and schedule your session now! 238-2296
And remember to take the time to enjoy your Christmas!
Love ya!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thank you!

Hi y'all,
Sorry I didn't blog last week. I took the week off to spend time with family and friends. I want to say thank you to all my wonderful clients who have helped make this a great year.
Christmas will be here before we know it! Looking for a great gift? How about a gift certificate for family portraits? I have lots of other great gift ideas too! It's not too late to get portraits and Chrismas cards made! Call for your appointment today! 238-2296
Well, I did do a little work last week! I had a great family portrait session the day before Thanksgiving! What a beautiful family!
The week before Thanksgiving, I was able to take pictures at the Airport Volleyball banquet. The Lady Eagles had a great year - winning region and making it to the third round of playoffs. Congratulations Lady Eagles! Below is a link to the pictures. And a note to the players and parents, you can right click on any of the pictures in the banquet gallery and they are downloadable. I had a great time taking pictures at the games (thank you) - this is a great group of young women!
Volleyball parents and players, you can still get a copy of the Volleyball video. Call me if you are interested. 238-2296
Winter sports have offically started and I am looking forward to photographing lots of games and matches! Check out next week's blog for some wrestling pictures!
Looking forward to taking some portraits of some really cuties this weekend! Call for your appointment today!
Love ya!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sad, but proud!

Hi y'all,

Well, I am very sad that football is over for this year! But so very proud of our Eagles who had a 9-3 record. That was much better than people were expecting! I am going to miss our Seniors! Great guys! I am looking forward to next season! But first, I have winter and spring sports to photograph! I am looking forward to the upcoming basketball and wrestling seasons! Go Eagles and Yellow Jackets!

It is time for Family Portraits! Call to schedule your appointment today (238-2296) and get $15 off your sitting fee for the month of November. Also I have some specials for Christmas!

Here is the link to last week's football game at Hartsville:

Just so you know, the fall sports pictures will be taken off the website by December 31st. I have to make room for the winter sports stuff!

And once more,I would like to congratulate the Lady Eagle Volleyball team on being the undefeated Region V-AAA Champions. I will upload the pictures from tonight's banquet next Tuesday, if not sooner! So proud of you girls!

Love ya!

Football pictures

Hi y'all,

I will post the pictures from last Friday's game later tonight! Between a sick daughter and some computer problems I am only about half way through them. I promise to get them up later tonight!

Thanks for your patience!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last week's games

Hi y'all,

I am so busy, I think I am meeting myself coming and going! But I love it! Lots going on as the fall sports seasons wind down and the winter sports get ready to fire up! Throw in the Holidays and it's great!!!

I have a special Christmas Portrait Weekend coming up! Call me for more details - 238-2296. Special sitting fees and special packages just for this weekend! November 20 & 21!

Here are the links to last week's games:
Airport Varsity Volleyball vs. North Myrtle Beach -
(this was uploading while I wrote this - should be active by 4:30 p.m.)

Airport Varsity Football vs. Socastee -

Love ya!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Airport beats BC AGAIN!!!!!

Hi y'all,

Where is the time going? It is already November! This month's special is $15 off your sitting fee! It is great time for family portraits! Not happy with the kid's school pictures? We can do those too! Senior sessions available also! And remember that until the end of November, get 25 free greeting cards when you order 75 or more! Christmas will be here before you know it. So get your sessions scheduled and portraits, greeting cards and gifts ordered soon! Call to set up your appointment today - 238-2296!

I had the opportunity to photograph two volleyball playoff games and the Varsity football game last week! 3 wins too! Congratulations Eagles! Here are the links to last week's games -

Varsity Volleyball vs. Socastee -

Varsity Volleyball vs Berkeley -

Varsity Football vs BC -

If any of the links do not work on Tuesday, November 2nd, it is because that game is still uploading. Everything should be functioning by 11 pm. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Congratulations to the Lady Eagle Volleyball team, who made it to the 3rd round of playoffs! Great year ladies! I am working on a little something special for you! Also, congratulations to the Varsity football team for being Co-Region Champions!!!!! I am looking forward to Friday's playoff game against Socastee! Go Eagles!!!!!

Remember the November special - $15 off your sitting fee! Call to schedule your appointment today - 238-2296!

Love ya,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another busy week!

Hi y'all,

I had another busy week of photographing sports! I love my job! I was at 6 games and the Airport Invitational Cheeleading Competition! Wow! Lots of pictures!!!!

Here are the links to this week's games -

Aiport JV Volleyball -

Airport Varsity Volleyball -

Pine Ridge Middle Football -

Airport B Team Football -

Airport JV Football

Airport Varsity Football -

Airport Cheer -

I photographed the other 15 teams at the Cheerleading competiton also. If you need a link for your team, please e-mail me at

Remember to call and schedule your family portraitssoon! Portraits make great gifts! And I offer several speciality items including keychains, mugs, license plates and much more! And I have some senior sessions still available! Call me at 238-2296 for your appointment today!!!

Love ya!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hi y'all,

Congratulations to the Lady Eagle Volleyball! Region V Champions!!!! And congratulations to Airport Eagle Varsity Football for winning the homecoming game against Lower Richland!

Here are a few pics from Friday's game!
Here they come!
The Homecoming Queen and the runners up
Do you think they know where my camera is?
Here are the links to the games I photographed last week :
Pine Ridge Middle Volleyball vs Northside
Homecoming Pep Rally
AHS Varsity Football vs. Lower Richland
Remember that October's special is a free 8x10 with paid portrait purchase! And buy 75 greeting cards and get 25 free in October and November! book your family portrait session today! 238-2296
Taking lots of pictures this week! Check back next Tuesday to see them all!
Love ya!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lots of games!

Hi y'all,

Wow, what a week last week! I took over 4000 pictures at 5 games last week! Needless to say, it takes a little time to go through that many pictures! I don't keep them all, but I have to look at all of them to decide what to keep! All I can say is that we have some amazing athletes at Airport and Pine Ridge! Congratulations to the Volleyball teams on their big wins over BC! And congratulations to the Varsity football for the win over AC Flora! As of Monday night, the Varsity Volleyball team is undefeated in the region! Way to go Lady Eagles!!!!

Remember that October's special is a free 8x10 with paid portrait purchase. And don't forget that you get 25 free greeting cards with the purchase of 75 at regular price until the end of November! It is a great time for a family portrait. Call for your appointment now! 238-2296

This week I will be delievering the first set of posters to Airport! I have designed one for football, volleyball and girl's tennis. I plan to design more throughout the year! Here is a sneak peek at the first three!

And here are the links to last week's games:

JV Volleyball vs BC -

Varsity Volleyball vs BC -

Varsity Football vs Flora

This week has a lot of away games, so not so many pictures for next week! I really do love what I do! I have started to put a few of the Airport football pictures up on Facebook. I will continue to add to the album. If you want me to tag you in the pictures, you have to be a friend of mine personally, not just a fan of the my Facebook page. Send me a friend request! I will also be adding other albums, including volleyball soon!

Don't forget to call for your family portrait sessions now! They make great Christmas presents! And I have few senior sessions available also!

Love ya!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It finally feels like Fall!

Hi y'all,

Well, someone turned off the heat finally! It finally feels like fall! I love the cooler weather! It sure makes picture taking more fun! Now is a great time to have your family portraits created! There are several beautiful locations around the Columbia area if you would like an outdoor portrait. And of course, the studio is available also. Schedule yours today! They make great Christmas presents!

The October special is a free 8x10 with paid portrait purchase! And from now until the end of November get 25 free greeting cards when you buy 75 at regular price. I still have a few senior sessions available. Call for your appointment today!

Last week, I was able to photograph the JV Volleyball match against Midland Valley, as well as the JV and Varsity football games against Midland Valley. There are cheerleader and band pictures in with the football game pictures. The links are below.

JV Volleyball -

JV Football -

Varsity Football -

Also, I will be putting a few pictures from each game up on my Facebook fan page. Become a fan of the page and check them out!

Tonight, I will be at both Volleyball matches against BC, tomorrow at Pine Ridge vs. Busbee Football and JV Football vs. Flora, and Thursday at Varsity football vs. Flora. Good luck to the Eagles and the Yellow Jackets this week! There will lots of pictures to post next week! This is hard work, but I am loving every minute of it!

Go Eagles! Go Yellow Jackets!

Love ya!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hi y'all,
It has been a very busy week for me. Since my last blog, my Dad had his surgery. And after a couple of days in the hosptial, he is home slowly recovering. Last week, my baby turned 13! So with a very full personal schedule, I was limited on the work stuff!

I did photograph part of the Pine Ridge Middle School Yellow Jackets and the Fulmer Falcons football game last week as well as the Airport Varsity Football game against South Aiken. Friday's game was special because Airport participated in Coach to Cure MD. We had 3 boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy run on the field with team! Thanks Davon, Cavon and Colin for running with them! And thanks to Coach Burnett and all the other coaches at Airprot for particiapting! We are hoping to make this an annual event at Airport! Thanks to everyone who contributed at the game or via text messaging!

The links to the two games are listed below. If you are interested in ordering any of the action pictures, please contact me at or (803)238-2296.


AHS FBV vs South Aiken

Today, I photographed the Varsity cheerleaders and tomorrow I will photograph the Cross Country and Girl's Golf teams for Airport if it doesn't rain! The Pine Ridge Middle School football, volleyball and cheer pictures and the Airport Varsity cheer pictures that I have orders for - will be in next week!

Another month has come and gone already! October starts Friday! Time for a new special! For October - get a free 8x10 with your paid portrait purchase! Schedule you appointment today! And for October and November - buy 75 Greeting Cards at regular price and get 25 free! Call soon for your appointment!

Love ya!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Go Eagles!!!

Hi y'all,

What a busy week!!!! I can't believe that I am actually blogging a little early this week with all the games and matches I photographed last week! And the only one I don't know the final of, is girls tennis! Both the volleyball and football teams won the games I photographed! Go Eagles!

Before I share the links for last week's game, I would like to take a moment to thank our trainers! In Friday's football game, we had 4 players hurt in the first half. Thank you to the trainers for being there and doing all that you do for all of the athletes at Airport.

This Friday, Airport is participating in the Coach for a Cure M.D. event. This is a national event that High School and Colleges participate in to help raise money and awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne is a genetic disorder that causes the child (usually boys) to lose muscle function. There is not a cure and it is fatal. Please contribute whatever you can to help find a cure for Duchenne.

Now for the links to last week's games and matches:

JV Volleyball -

Varsity Volleyball

Girls Tennis

JV Football

Varsity football

Also, remember that there is $15 off your portrait sessions this month! Call me to book your session today (803)238-2296.

And on a personal note, please say a little prayer for my family. My father is scheduled to have carotid artery surgery in the morning. He has many medical problems, which greatly increases the risk. Thanks!

Love ya!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Airport Football!

Hi y'all,

Well I don't have to apologize for being late this week! I have uploaded both the JV and Varsity games against Hartsville from last week! The links are below. I promise that next week, there will be JV and Varsity volleyball, JV and Varsity football and girls tennis pictures for you to see! I do apologize for not getting to more games and matches last week, but with my Dad in the hospital it was a little difficult to find anytime. He will be back in the hospital next week, so I am not promising to photograph anything next week. I appreciate your understanding.

Remember that there is $15 off any session fee for September. Call to schedule your appointment today! Fall is the perfect time for family portraits! They make great Christmas presents!! There are a few senior sessions left also. Call to schedule a unique portrait experience for your special student!

And for my football parents - I am retaking the team picture. I am waiting to be told what date that we will be making the picture up. Thanks for you patience.

Here are the links to last week's games.

JV Football

Varsity Football

If there are any that you would like to order, please call me at 238-2296 or e-mail me at

I hope everyone has a great week!

Love ya!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Apologies

Hi y'all,

First let me apologize for this being late again. I have been at the hospital with my Daddy for 2 days. And we will be here for a few more. He has severe vascular issues - heart and carotid - that need to be addressed.

I did finally finish going through the Varsity football pictures from last Friday night. To see pictures from the game, click on the link below-

Also let me apologize for not being available to photograph other games. I promise to have something besides Varsity Football next week.

Remember that this month's special is $15 off your sitting fee! Call for your appointment today - 238-2296.

Christmas will be here before you know it! Family portraits make wonderful gifts for the grandparents. I also have coffee mugs, water bottles and Christmas ornaments! Call for more information and to set up your appointment!

Senior sessions still available! Want something unique to your senior's personality? Give me a call to schedule that special session today!

Love ya!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer is over!

Hi y'all,

I know that summer technically has a little over three weeks until it is over, but with Labor Day coming up this weekend, in my mind, it's over! School is well underway and football has started! Congratulations to all three Airport football teams on their wins last week! Also, congratulations to the Lady Eagles Varsity Volleyball team on their win Monday against South Aiken.

I am still fighting the vertigo thing. So that is limiting my photographing games. I did photograph the Varsity football game against BC. Here is the link to Friday's game -

I have been busy ordering pictures for all the student athletes at Airport who I have had the opportunity to photograph so far. I should have all the orders to Airport Thursday or Friday for JV Cheerleaders, JV and Varsity Volleyball and all of the football pictures as well. I will be retaking the Varsity Football team picture because I was not happy with the picture I took a couple of weeks ago.

I am also scheduled to take the Girls Tennis pictures next week!

It's a new month and time for a new special! For September, the special is $15 off your sitting fee! That means a one hour studio session is only $35 and a one hour location sitting is only $60! Call and book your appointment today - 238-2296! It's not to early to plan some special Christmas gifts! A family portrait is always a great gift! I have a few senior sessions left also! Call and book yours today!

I appreciate every one's patience with me while I am getting over the vertigo. Thanks for understanding!
Love ya!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hi y'all!

I have finally gotten through all 4 games from last week and am working on uploading them to the web now. So if one of the links is not working tonight, please try again in the monring and they will all be working! Again, let me apologize for not getting them done yesterday. This vertigo stuff is not fun!!!!

Last week, I was able to photograph the JV and Varsity Volleyball scrimmages against Sumter and Varsity Football scrimmage against Batesburg-Leesville and Wildcat Jamboree Friday night, where we played them again! Here are the links!

JV Volleyball scrimmage against Sumter -

V Vollyball scrimmage against Sumter -

V Football against Batesburg-Leesville -

V Football against Batesburg @ Wildcat Jamboree

Enjoy! And let me know if there are any you are interested in purchasing!

I am in the process of ordering the pictures for the 6 teams I have already taken pictures of. I hope to have the other five teams scheduled soon!

Now is the time to schedule your fall family portraits! It's never to early to start thinking of Christmas presents or customed designed Christmas cards! Call me to set up your appointment today! (803)238-2296

Remember that the August special is 16 free wallets with your paid portrait purchase! And there are still a few senior sessions available! Call and book yours now!

Love ya!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi y'all,

I know that I promised to blog the links for the previous week's game every Tuesday. I hope to be able to put the links up tomorrow. Sorry. I have developed a case of vertigo and it and the medicines have wiped me out! I did manage to take lots of pictures, just have not been at the computer to edit until today. I promise to work on them today and tomorrow and hope to post them by tomorrow afternoon!

Thanks for understanding!

Love ya!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School is starting!

Hi y'all,

Much to the delight of most parents and the horror of the students, school is starting! And the beginning of the school year means that the fall sports season is upon us! I am so excited to have the sports contract at Airport High School! Besides taking all the the team and individual pictures of our student athletes, I plan to photograph some games of each sport. You can read my blog every Tuesday afternoon for links to the previous week's games. And yes, I will photograph every Varsity football game (depending on the weather) because my son does play. I will do my best to be at as many games as possible for all the sports.

In the past week, I photographed a football scrimmage against Dutch Fork and the jamboree game against Lexington. Next week I will have JV and Varsity Volleyball as well as more football. The links for last week's games are:

Dutch Fork -

Lexington -

After you look at the pictures, if you are interested in purchasing any of the pictures, please contact me for pricing by email - or phone 238-2296.

If your student plays a fall sport, I will be photographing their team and individual pictures over the next few weeks. I will be taking pictures for JV Cheerleaders, JV and Varsity Volleyball on Wednesday, August 18th and all three football teams on Friday, August 20th. I will be scheduling Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Girls Golf and Varsity Cheerleaders soon. I am looking forward to working with the student athletes, parents and coaches of Airport! Go Eagles!

As a parent, I understand the financial conditions of our schools. As a small business owner, I want to help. For any one from Airport High School: parent, student, faculty or staff, that books a portrait session with me, I will give 10% of your portrait purchase back to Airport. This offer is good all school year! And it does not effect the current special at the time!

And the special for August is 16 free wallets with your portrait purchase! Book your session now! It's not too early to start thinking about Christmas presents! And I have plenty of gift ideas for you! Did you know I can custom design your Christmas cards for you. Why not send one with a family portrait on it? Call me to set up your appointment now! 238-2296

Looking forward to a great school year!

Love ya!

Monday, August 2, 2010

So excited!

Hi y'all!

I know that fall is just around the corner, because football has started! I am very excited about the upcoming school year and the opportunity to work with the student athletes, coaches and parents of Airport High School. Go Eagles!
I will be offering several packages and specialty products for the student athlete and their parents to purchase. Speciality products include a custom Memory Maker (which include the team portrait and an individual portrait as well as athlete's name, year, sport and jersey number), Photo Buttons, Mouse Pads, Travel Mugs, Ceramic Mugs (in 2 sizes), Plastic Water Bottles, Key chains (3 different styles), Dog Tags, Metal Stand ups and Photo Cutouts. Below are some sample pictures of a few of the products.
Key chains
Ceramic Mugs
Dog Tags
Water Bottles
Metal Stand ups
I will also be taking actions shots as several games this year. I will post the links to any games that I photograph every Tuesday afternoon. It will include all the games from the previous week. These pictures will be available for purchase also.
And the August special is 16 free wallets with paid portrait purchase from studio or location sessions. Call to book your appointment today! (803) 238-2296
There are a few senior sessions still available for the Class of 2011. Book before August 15th and get a free wallet tin with paid portrait purchase!
Looking forward to helping you with your Photography Kreations!
Love ya!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting ready!

Hi y'all,
Are you ready for school and all the kids activities to start? It will be here before you know it. A lot of the high school sports have already started conditioning! I have been getting ready for this upcoming school year. I will be doing all the team and invidual sports pictures for Airport High School this year. I am planning to also take action shots at as many games as possible.

I have been busy with edits and designs from several recent sittings and events. I designed and ordered these adorable accordian albums from a sitting. You have to order at least three. They are $10 each, but they make great gifts for grandparents. And you can keep one in you purse also!
I also designed some Save the Date cards for this fun engagement session!
And then birth announcements for a new little one!
And finally collage prints for some other new little ones!
Remember that you get a free 8x10 with your paid portrait purchase from now until July 31st. Schedule those special sessions now! I look forward to working with you soon!
Love ya!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hi y'all,

Sorry it has been so long! Very busy month personally. And I had plenty of babies to photograph this month! Yeah! I love babies! First was little KJ! Too cute! And boy could he move.

Then I had fun meeting Aaden's new baby sister, Aaren! So sweet!

Then I had the chance to photograph Zach!

And finally Andrew!

Too many cuties! I had so much fun with all these adorable little ones! I also did an engagement session, but saving those pictures until the Save the Date cards have been mailed! Don't want to spoil Sammie and Karla's surprise!

I am getting things ready for Airport sports, but there is plenty of time to schedule your family session or a Senior session! Call for your appointment today. Remember that the current special is a free 8x10 with your paid portrait order. Looking forward to helping with your photographic needs!

Love ya!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just Because

Hi y'all,

A lot of what I have been photographing lately is just because I want to! This time of year is so busy for everyone I know. And I have had the great pleasure of capturing special memories for some of the special people in my life. In the past couple of weeks, I have taken pictures at a graduation, a couple of awards ceremonies, a 90th birthday celebration, a wedding and an ordination. Wow! I feel very blessed to be a part of these wonderful events.
I have enjoyed getting to know some of the students of Airport High School this year. I went to the graduation ceremony and watched as the Class of 2010 got ready to start the next chapter in their lives. I'm going to miss some of these kids!
I also had the great privilege of attending the 90th birthday celebration for Mrs. Agnes. She is an amazing women. I was thrilled to be able to take a few pictures that day as her family honored her on her birthday!
And last week, a very dear friend, Susan was ordained as a transitional deacon. I was thrilled when I was given permission to take pictures during the service. God blessed me with a talent for capturing memories for people. And I was gladd that I was able to capture this memory of Susan as she began her ordained life.
And of course, I took my daughter and niece to the studio for dance pictures! I can't believe that the girls have been dancing for 10 years now! Wow! What beautiful young ladies they are becoming!
I also took pictures at a wedding and I will post some of those pics in my next blog! I have some senior sessions coming up this summer and am looking forward to those! There are still spots available for senior sessions. Call and set up your appointment now!
I hope everyone is having a great summer!
Love ya!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wonderfully busy!

Hey y'all,

It's that wonderfully busy, crazy time of year! The school year is ending. Summer vacation starts very soon and everything is winding down. Most of the kids extra activities are coming to an end. Are you ready for a trip to the beach? Schedule your beach portraits today!

I have a limited number of senior sessions still available for the class of 2011! Call for your appointment today.

My husband and I recently celebrated our 17th anniversary. We spent a wonderful weekend in Chimney Rock, North Carolina. It was nice to get away and relax. I was inspired by all the natural beauty around us. Here are a couple of the pictures I took while there. Don't laugh at the last one - that is my husband and I in front of a 404 waterfall! We had been hiking for over 4 hours when that was taken, so I look exhausted. But the views were worth it!

After coming home feeling relaxed and recharged, I had the opportunity to shoot the Dance 1 Studios recital rehearsal pictures. 3400 pictures in about 8 hours! But it is always so much fun. Dance parents can pick up a sheet at the studio with the info on how to see their dancer's pictures. Contact me if you have any questions or would like to place an order! Oh and by the way, the adult dance was so much fun! Can't wait to see what Melodie has in store for us next year!

More pictures to edit! Better get busy!
Love ya!

Monday, May 10, 2010

So blessed!

Hi y'all,

This weekend was very busy with lots of special things. A very dear friend was graduated from Columbia College. We had a celebration for her Saturday night! And Sunday was Mother's Day. Last night, as I was getting ready to go to bed, I realized just how blessed I am. I have an amazing husband, wonderful kids (even when they are picking at each other), great friends (yes, Cindy and MaryJo I am talking about you) and a terrific family (in laws very much included in that too). I am so blessed because I get to do something I love for a living. Life is good and I want to thank God for that.

I have been busy editing and ordering. I love all the new speciality products! Coffee mugs, travel mugs, license plates, dog tags, clipboards and calendars! Great gifts! Father's Day will be here before you know it. And there are lots of graduates too! Let me design a poster with your graduate's picture. Then the family and friends can sign it at the graduation party! It is a great way to preserve those memories.

The Baby and Child Contest is going on for one more month! Schedule those appointments now!

Also, I will be at Airport's graduation next month. I will do my best to get as many pictures of the graduates as I can and post them on Facebook. I have really enjoyed getting to know some of Airport's amazing students. I wish the Seniors of 2010 all the best. May you soar to new heights as you move on with life. Go Eagles!

There are a limited number of Senior Sessions for the class of 2011! Call to set up your session now. I have a some scheduled already and can't wait to get to those this summer!

And just so you know, my husband and I will be celebrating our 17th anniversary this coming weekend in North Carolina. I am not taking any work with me. I am trying to get everything finished before I go. I guess I had better get busy!

Love ya!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi y'all,

Where is this year going? Mother's Day is this Sunday! And that means summer will be here before we know it! Need a gift for Mom? How about a gift certificate for portraits? We can make the portraits in the studio or on location. Have a favorite park or is the backyard beautiful? We can take them there. Going to the beach this summer? I will be happy to come and take your portraits there too!

I also have a variety of great gift items including jewelry with your pictures, coffee mugs, license plates, travel mugs, mouse pads, playing cards, clipboards and many more!

Remember the 2010 Baby and Child Contest is going on through June 15th! It is open to little ones up to age 12. This is a national contest with cash prizes. Call to set up your appointment today.

Also, there is a limited number of Senior Sessions for the class of 2011! These sittings are different from the traditional yearbook sitting. I will spend several hours with your senior capturing his or her personality in the senior portraits. It will be a truly unique experience. Call to schedule your appointment now!

I have lots of pictures to edit and orders to place, so I had better get busy!

Love ya!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busy week!

Hi y'all,

Life is so busy, but it is wonderful! There is lots going on! Remember the Baby and Child Contest going on until June 15th. Children 12 and under are eligible to have an image entered in this national contest. Contact me for your appointment soon!

Also, there are limited number of Senior sessions available for the class of 2011. Contact me to set up your appointment for your unique portrait session!

I have been editing the pictures from Matt & Christa's wedding last weekend. Here are a couple pictures from that very special day. Congratulations again to the newlyweds!

I also had the great privilege of taking pictures at the Columbia's MDA Gala last Thursday. The MDA is a wonderful organization that helps so many people. This cause is near and dear to my heart because my nephew was recently diagnosed with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. I was so pleased to be able to volunteer to help however I can!

I also had a lot of fun at Pine Ridge's Eighth Grade Banquet Friday night. Everyone looked so nice all dressed up. The formal pictures will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Going to the beach this summer? Having lots of family in from out of town? Important event? How about a family portrait? Call to schedule your appointments now!

Let's capture those very special memories!

Love ya!